Claim your Baruch Username and BaruchMail
Your Baruch Username will get you access to:
- Campus Computers & Wireless Access
- Printing
Your BaruchMail will get you access to:
- Official College Mail including Registration & final grade notifications
- Office365 Access (Current undergraduate/graduate students only)
Don’t have an SSN?
If you do not have an SSN, CUNY has generated an automatic number for you. Please contact one of the areas below for assistance with obtaining your SSN.
- Undergraduate students: or
- Graduate students:
- International graduate students, please contact your respective graduate program admissions offices.
- Zicklin School,
- Weissman School,
- Marxe School,
Change/Reset your password
By default, the Baruch Username password is in the following format: yyMmmdd of your DOB + Last 4 of SSN
For example, if you were born on January 1st, 1990 and your SSN was XXX-XX-1234, your default password would be: 90Jan011234Note: If you have forgotten your password and contact the BCTC Helpdesk for technical assistance, they reset your password to your date of birth in the following sequence, YYMmmDD + Last 4 of SSN. This password reset will take effect access to all the items listed above, including the Student Degree Audit, student printing system, Newman Library Remote Access, wireless network, and Office 365 e-mail systems as well.
- NEVER share your account with others, and never use anyone else’s account. This is a violation of the College’s CUNY Computer User Responsibilities Policy.
- ALWAYS log off a computer when you leave – even if you leave for a short time to do something else.
- Should you have any questions about your Baruch Username and/or your BaruchMail accounts, contact the BCTC Helpdesk (646-312-1010, for assistance.