- CUNY Policy on Acceptable Use of Computer Resources
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- Guest Access to the Baruch College Wireless Network
- MyPassword – Self Service Password Management
- Policy on Installation of Wireless Access Points
- Policy on P2P File Sharing (e.g., BitTorrent & LimeWire)
- Security Awareness Program
- Terms of Service Agreement for Baruch Username, Baruch eMail and BaruchMail (Office365) Accounts
- Using Facebook & Other Social Networking Sites
- VPN – Virtual Private Network
MyPassword: Self-Service Password Management
You can reset your Baruch username password by configuring mypassword with a series of challenge questions that you can then answer if your password is expired or you have forgotten it. It is important to select answers that are easy for you to remember and hard for others to guess.
Students, faculty and staff can complete a MyPassword profile one of two ways – through the MyPassword site or using a computer when on campus. Since all Baruch users will be asked to complete the MyPassword profile the first time they login to a machine on our wired network, all users are encouraged to login to the MyPassword site ahead of time to setup their security profile.
Below we detail the steps when setting up your profile through the MyPassword site.
- Open a web browser and navigate to mypassword.baruch.cuny.edu.
- Click on “Edit My Profile”.
- Enter your username and password. Students must use your Baruch Username. Faculty and staff must use their Network Login. Make sure the correct domain is selected from the drop down menu.
- You will need to select three challenge questions. The complete list of questions is displayed by clicking the drop down arrow. You cannot use a question more than once. Please make sure you will remember the answers to your questions.
- Once you have selected the three challenge questions and entered your answers, click update. Your profile will be created and allow you to reset your account password at any time.
Below we detail the steps when logging into a machine on campus and being presented with the security profile prompt for the first time.
- When using a computer on campus, you will be presented with the screen below. Login to the machine by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
2. Enter your username and password. Students must use your Baruch Username. Faculty and staff must use their Network Login. Make sure the correct domain is displayed. If it is your own desktop computer, the domain is probably correct as displayed. To change the domain, type the following: yourdomain\username.
3. After you log in, the message and screen below will be displayed once your desktop is loaded. You will need to select three challenge questions. The complete list of questions is displayed by clicking the drop down arrow. You cannot use a question more than once. Please make sure you will remember the answers to your questions.
4. Once you have selected the three challenge questions and entered your answers, click update. Your profile will be created and allow you to reset your account password at any time. You will also be able to continue to use the workstation on campus and not be prompted to complete your profile again.
- Your Username is your Baruch Username.
- Your Password must be at least 10 characters long.
- It must contain at least one uppercase letter.
- It must contain at least one numeric character OR one special character ($, #, @, !, &).
- It can not be one of your 4 previous passwords
- Your Username is your Network Login.
- Passwords must be changed every 180 days.
- Your Password must be at least 10 characters long.
- It must contain at least one uppercase letter.
- It must contain at least one numeric character OR one special character ($, #, @, !, &).
- It can not be one of your 4 previous passwords.
- What is My Password?
- My Password is a new, convenient way for Baruch students, faculty and staff to create a security profile for their Baruch Username and Network/e-mail Login account through a series of questions with answers. This is then used for security purposes if you were to forget your password for your user name. You would be able via a secured web-site to change your password by answering these security questions you initially set-up. This allows you to retrieve access to your account at all times.
- What happens if I am not on campus on the day that may password expires?
- Currently only faculty and staff account passwords expire every 90 days. You can change your password on-line by visiting http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/bctc/mypassword/ and clicking on the Log-in button. You may visit this site on the day your password expires or any day after the expiration date. Please keep in mind that in order to use a computer on-campus, the wireless network or the faculty/staff e-mail system, you will need to change your password before you will be able to regain access.
- How do I access My Password to update/change/edit my profile?
- Go to the following web-site: https://mypassword.baruch.cuny.edu/ and click on edit my profile.Enter your username and password (same as if you were to log-on to a computer on campus) for your account and click on Logon. The next page will allow you to re select your (3) three questions and answers.** For security purposes, you will not be able to view your questions or answers that you previously selected **
- I have a Mac, how do I create or edit my profile as well change or reset my password?
- You can go the following web-site: https://mypassword.baruch.cuny.edu/ and click on edit my profile to create or edit your existing profile. You can also change or reset your password by clicking on the appropriate links.
- How do I complete the My Password Profile on a PC while on Baruch’s campus?
- Instructions along with pictures are posted here: http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/bctc/mypassword/completeprofile.htm
- I have forgotten my password, how do I use the My Password tool to reset/change my password?
- You can go the item label “Forgot Your Password” below. Students, faculty and staff must enter their username (one that they use to log into the computers on campus with) and select their domain and click Submit.
- I am trying to reset my password, but the system will not take one of my answers to a challenge question?
- Please make sure that you are correctly typing in the answer. Make sure that the CAPS key is not on by accident unless you typed your answer in CAPS. If you still cannot answer one of your questions, the Help Desk will need to reset your password manually.
- What are the Password Requirements?
- Our Password Requirements are as follows: Your Password must be at least 10 characters long. It must contain at least one uppercase letter.
It must contain at least one numeric character OR one special character ($, #, @, !, &).
It can not be one of your 4 previous passwords.
- Our Password Requirements are as follows: Your Password must be at least 10 characters long. It must contain at least one uppercase letter.
- I received an e-mail stating my password will soon expire in X number of days, what does this mean?
- All faculty/staff network/e-mail account passwords will expire every 90 days. Prior to these 90 days, you will receive an e-mail to your Baruch College e-mail account notifying you of your password that will soon expire. You may prior to the expiration date go the web-site https://mypassword.baruch.cuny.edu/ and change your password. You may also wait to the day of or the next following day(s) if you plan on being on campus and log into a PC (Not for Mac) and at that time you will be notified that your password is expired and can change your password.
- What happens if my password expires and I do not change my password?
- Once the date comes that your password will expire, if you do not change your password, you will not be able to log into a computer on campus, access the wireless network nor access your (faculty/staff) e-mail until you have changed your password. Please either log into a PC Computer on campus and once prompted to change your expired password you change your password or log on to the My Password web-site https://mypassword.baruch.cuny.edu/ and click on change my password.
Create a Strong Password
Use strong passwords to protect your computing resources. Follow these rules to create strong passwords:
- Use two numbers in the first eight characters.
- Pick long passwords, at least 10 characters in length if the system allows it.
- Don’t use a common dictionary word, a name, a string of numbers, or your User ID.
- One of the easiest to remember and hardest to crack password methods is the pseudo-random password. The actual password is generated from an easy to remember phrase that is important to the user. This phrase can be the words from a book that you particularly like, words from a song that you always remember with ease, a statement that some powerful figure made that you will never forget. The key to a successful password is to create a phrase that is easy for you to remember, but no one else will ever think about attributing it to you.
Some examples are listed below:
- Example Phrase #1: “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought…”‘
- password: 4scanse…
- method: Chose first two letters from each word until a total of eight characters result.
- Example Phrase #2: “It was a dark and stormy night…”.
- password : iWadasn7
- method: Chose first letter from each word, followed by the age of nephew.
- Example Phrase #3: My brother’s birthday is April(4) twenty two nineteen sixty three(3)
- password : mbbi4tt19s3
- method: Chose the first letter from most words, and substituted numbers for letters.
Certain special characters may be used. However, note that some applications may not accept special characters. If this problem is encountered, changing your password to a combination of letters and numbers should solve the problem. Examples of permitted special characters are shown below:
$ . , ! % ^ *
Avoid a Weak Password
When creating passwords, avoid the following:
- Easy to guess passwords such as a blank or “password”
- Your name, spouse’s name, or partner’s name
- Your pet’s name or your child’s name
- Names of close friends or coworkers
- Names of your favorite fantasy characters
- Your boss’s name
- Anybody’s name
- The name of the operating system you’re using
- String of numbers or letters, like 1234, abcd
- The hostname of your computer
- Your phone number or your license plate number
- Any part of your social security number or ID
- Anybody’s birth date
- Other information easily obtained about you (e.g., address, town, alma mater)
- Words such as wizard, guru, password, gandalf, and so on
- A username in any form (as is, capitalized, doubled, etc.)
- A word in the English dictionary or in a foreign dictionary
- Place names or any proper nouns
- Passwords of all the same letter
- Simple patterns of letters on the keyboard, like asdfg
- Any of the above spelled backwards
- Any of the above followed or preceded by a single digit
Protect Your Account
- Do not let anyone else know or use your password; this is a violation of the College’s CUNY Computer User Responsibilities Policy.
- For optimum security, don’t write your password down. If you must write it down, keep it somewhere private such as in a locked drawer or in your wallet. Don’t post it on your computer or anywhere around your desk. Don’t include the name of the system or the associated User ID with the password.
- Be aware of when a password is sent securely across the Internet. URLs (Web addresses) that begin with “https://? rather than ?http://? are secure for use of your password. The “s” in “https” means that the Web site is encrypted and cannot easily be read by other people.
- If you suspect that someone else may know your current password, change your password immediately.
- Change your password periodically, even if it hasn’t been compromised.
- Don’t type your password while anyone is watching.
If you forget your password, the scenario below will detail how you can reset the password and regain access to your account when on campus.
If you are off-campus or do not have access to a machine, please login to the MyPassword site to reset the password on your account.
Upon attempting to log onto the network, you are unable to do so and receive the following error message.
To reset your password, please do the following:
Step 1: Log on as the account mypassword
- Enter the name “mypassword” into the username field.
- Do NOT enter anything into the password field.
- Under log on to: There is no need to change this option. It can be either BCTC or ACAD.
After you click OK, a window will pop up that will look like this:
Step 2: Select “Reset my Password”
Step 3: Enter your User Name and select the domain, whether BCTC or ACAD and click Logon.
Step 4: Enter the answers to your (3) Challenge Questions. Type the response for each question below the question in the provided field as indicated below. Once you have entered your answer, please click the Continue button to proceed to the next question.
Step 5: Change your password
- Select Generate to use a pre-defined password or Enter to use your own. Enter your new password in the field as indicated below and click Reset Password once finished.
* Please be aware of the Password Requirements as listed in the diagram.
If there is a mistake you will see the following diagram.
*Please note: You can NOT use any of your previous 4 passwords
Step 6: Your password is Reset.
- Click on Return to Windows Logon now
Step 7: Hit Yes
You will be logged off and you can log back onto Windows with your username and NEW password.